Prayer Intention for the Week

September 2 - 8, 2018

That the Holy Spirit may inspire us to think of, speak about and do the things that would glorify God the Father and cause the salvation of souls. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord and Friend. Amen.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fourth Luminous Mystery: THE TRANSFIGURATION

Holy Friendship Day [Thursday] Rosary
The Luminous Mysteries 

Fourth Luminous Mystery:

"Now about eight days after this had been said, he took with him Peter, John and James and went up the mountain to pray. And it happened that, as he was praying, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing became sparkling white. And suddenly there were two men talking to him; they were Moses and Elijah appearing in glory, and they were speaking of his passing which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were heavy with sleep, but they woke up and saw his glory and the two men standing with him. As these were leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, 'Master, it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.' He did not know what he was saying. As he was saying this, a cloud came and covered them with shadow; and when they went into the cloud the disciples were afraid. And a voice came from the cloud saying, 'This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.' And after the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. The disciples kept silence and, at that time, told no one what they had seen."

- Luke 9: 28-36


This week let us focus on the virtues of PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE. 

The three Apostles were greatly awed about what they saw. They experienced the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and it led Peter to say without meaning so much that it was good the three of them were there so that they could make three shelters, one for the Lord and one each for His guests, Moses and Elijah.  They were having a foretaste of heaven.They were seeing the vision of eternity. They were in the very presence of an unimaginable greatness. Let us just imagine having to experience the best thing that we wish to enjoy without limit and probably it could be multiplied a million more to at least have a semblance of what the three Apostles experienced at that very moment. 

But it was not yet time. Heaven cannot be enjoyed through a shortcut. The Lord did not take them up the mountain to bring them to heaven - not yet. They still have to go down the mountain. They have to deserve heaven by proclaiming the good news about heaven to others. They have work to do and they have to do it even at the cost of their lives! They have to have patience - they cannot yet possess heaven, they still have to endure - to persevere through - a lot of challenges, sufferings and hardships before they get to already enter God's presence. 

Patience is a very important virtue. Without it we cannot enjoy something that we really hope to experience which can only be achieved after a period of time or trial. A very closely related virtue to patience is perseverance. Together they provide the significant ingredients towards the fulfillment of what we hope for. The Apostles experienced the glory of the Lord and they hoped to remain enjoying it. But they had to go down the mountain so that we may be able to hear the good news about that glory so that we may also hope to attain it someday. As they persevered and patiently waited for the right time to enter the same glory, so we too are called to have the same patience and perseverance. 

Image from via

Biblical passage from Jerusalem Bible at 

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