Prayer Intention for the Week

September 2 - 8, 2018

That the Holy Spirit may inspire us to think of, speak about and do the things that would glorify God the Father and cause the salvation of souls. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord and Friend. Amen.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

May "SC" stand up for Sacred Choice - for Life!

On July 9, 2013 at 9:00 AM, the Supreme Court of the Philippines will be hearing the sides of the anti- and the pro-RH Law. 

Let us pray that the Holy Spirit may descend upon the discussants and the Justices that the letters S and C may not just stand for Supreme Court but for Sacred Choice - for LIFE!

And that the Justices may live up to their title and give full justice to the Sanctity and Primacy of Life from conception to natural death!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let "SC" mean Sacred Choice

This coming June 18, 2013 the Supreme Court [Philippines] will be hearing the pros and the antis on the RH Law. Calling all true pro-Lifers to pray and support the case against the RH Law. Those who support this law may not admit or may not be aware of it but this law is truly anti-Life. For if one supports life, even the smallest manner of endangering life wouldn't be entertained by him or her. It may not yet endorse abortion but the provision which says that those who procure abortion should be treated humanely opens an avenue toward abortion. Moreover, contraceptives  in themselves are evil for they block the opportunity to have life, that's the very meaning of their being called contraceptives [contra = against, ceptives = production of life, therefore contraceptives = against the production of life].

For those who can be physically present, please go to the Supreme Court where a big pro-life rally will be staged to manifest support to the anti-RH law panel. For those who cannot, let us pry hard for the success of this endeavor for the greater glory of God and the protection of life from conception to natural death!

May the Holy Spirit descend upon the Supreme Court on that day so that the SC may mean Sacred Choice! 

God is God of the Living [Memorial of Saint Boniface]

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"He is not God of the dead 
but of the living."

We have read how the Pharisees and the Herodians have been silenced by the Lord Jesus Christ from asking more questions due to his wise answers. This time the Sadducees attempts to test the Lord and they asked Him a question which focuses on the resurrection - something they do not believe in.

In the Jewish tradition, a woman whose husband dies without leaving an heir should be married to the next of kin in order to sire a child in the name of the kinsman who died. The Sadducees illustrated an example of a woman who have been married to seven brothers not one of them sired a child. Hence no one was able to open her womb she is considered married to each and everyone of the brothers. So the Sadducees' question now was that when they are all resurrected, who will be the rightful husband of the woman?

Jesus our Lord pointed out their error at once: at the resurrection no one gets married anymore for everyone are like the angels already, not given to marriage: every one is a child of God and each one is a brother or a sister to each other. Next He tells them they err in their belief that there is no resurrection for in God everything is alive for God is God of the living, not of the dead. 

God is God of the living and not of the dead. Sometimes even among those who believe, there are those who fail to sustain such belief when they encounter the reality of death. It is understandable that people would be saddened by the death of a loved one but then we must be consoled by the fact of the resurrection. Jesus our Lord said to Martha before raising Lazarus back from the dead, I am the resurrection and the life [see John 11:25] and asked her, Do you believe? [see John 11:26]. Moreover, death is not the end of everything but our passage to heaven where we shall enjoy being in the Father's house if die without sin.

Let us face it: death is certain. But we must also hold on to this: we shall be resurrected. The Lord Jesus Christ said that anyone who believes though he might die, will live, and whoever lives and believes in him will never die [John 11: 25-26]. We should never forget that God is God of the living. Therefore He shall not leave us to rot somewhere but raise us up to live forever.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Gift of Wisdom

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Wisdom is considered the perfection of faith and the highest of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Where faith is a simple knowledge of the articles of Christian belief, wisdom goes on to a certain divine penetration of the truths themselves.(1) Wisdom helps us focus on God and the things of God for by detaching us from the world, makes us relish and love only the things of heaven.(2) Through wisdom, we judge the things of the world in light of the highest end of man - the contemplation of God.(3) 

Wisdom, though it helps us focus on God and the things of God by detaching us from the world, does not take us out of the world. Even the Lord Jesus Christ did not ask the Father that we may be taken out of the world; rather, He prayed that we may get the necessary helps in order to transform the world [see John 17: 11, 15-19]. This transformation of the world can only be through the Holy Spirit and His gifts [see John 14:26; 16: 8-11; Acts 2]. With the gift of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit leads us to the proper ordering of the material and spiritual worlds so that we can more easily bear the burdens of this life and respond to our fellow man with charity and patience.(4) Therefore, even while still in the world, our minds and hearts are already joyfully set towards that hopeful expectation of that blissful union with the Father in heaven. 

Through wisdom, we see the world in a completely different light already and consider it as a mere instrument in attaining perfection in accordance with the will of the Father. Because of this, we can fully accept and live out the virtue of simplicity for we already know that our lives are not only meant to be lived here in the world but are destined to a better dwelling place, which is the Father's house [see John 14: 2-3]. A person who has wisdom lives in full simplicity because wisdom enlightens him or her that the things of the world are merely burdens that weigh heavily against the soul.

With the help of wisdom, we can also understand more the Lord's admonition to seek first the kingdom of God [see Matthew 6:33]. For wisdom will lead us to the realization that only by acknowledging God first in our lives and in everything we say, think or do, that we can successfully transform not only ourselves but the community that we belong to. When that transformation takes place, there would be a lot of changes within one's self in particular and in the society in general.

Let us then pray for openness that the Holy Spirit may infuse in us this gift of wisdom that we may live in simplicity some more and see that there are may things in this life that we allocate to ourselves unnecessarily to the detriment of others who need them more than we do. 

Give Back What is Due to Whom It is Due [Tuesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time]

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So Jesus said to them, 
"Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar 
and to God what belongs to God." 
They were utterly amazed at him. 

The Pharisees and the Herodians tried once again to pin down the Lord Jesus Christ, this time through the issue on taxation. The Jews abhorred paying taxes to the Romans for it reminded them of being subjects to other powers when in fact they still consider themselves free [see John 8:33]. Hence they tried to trap the Lord hoping He gets the wrong answer this time. Instead they got the surprise of their lives! Not only was the Lord able to evade their trap, they had a lesson in life which hit them to the bones.

When they asked Him about whether it was right to pay census tax to the Roman Emperor or not, they were hoping He would either answer: No, which would make Him a rebel in the eyes of the Herodians, and consequently to the the Romans; but if He says, Yes, He might hurt the sentiments of the Jewish people and so appear insensitive to their plight as a proud nation whose only Master and Lord is God, never a foreign ruler.

But the Lord knew what they were thinking and so He asked for a coin. Then He asked them as to whose image was inscribed in the coin and they all agreed it was the Emperor's image. So the Lord simply answered them to give back to the Emperor what is due to him, and to God what is due to God. They were amazed with the answer.

Perhaps we are amazed too by the wise response that the Lord gave to those trying to ensnare Him with a double-edged question. But it would amaze us more if we could see the deeper meaning of the answer. It was not simply a reply to silence the Pharisees and the Herodians. It was a reply that is directed to each and everyone of us even today.

Maybe we could ask the Lord: is it right for the Church to meddle in politics? Maybe He would then ask us too before making His answer: who are the people involved in politics? Do you know the answer? Whether you would honestly accept it or not, the people involved in politics are the same people that the Church ought to serve in the religious, spiritual and moral spheres. Maybe you'd say that not everyone is a Christian, more particularly, not all Catholics. But this is what makes the Catholic Church different from others, she serves not only her members but all those who are in need of being provided with service, and that means everyone!

Since the Church serves everybody and not just her members, she cannot but be involved in politics - not necessarily direct political participation such as fielding it's own candidates for elective government posts but - at least in the general operations of politics for this field also needs to be sanctified just like any other aspect of life! Here comes the need to understand deeply the Lord's response to give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. As citizens, people have to defend, protect and do everything to make the country truly developed, progressive and prosperous. But they must do these in accordance with what belongs to the sphere of God: in accordance with truth, goodness, righteousness, propriety.

Many times even among us Catholics there are those who shut the Church out of the political field by repeating and again and again the principle of the separation of the Church and the State. Unfortunately, they think that the principle is an absolute prohibition from one meddling in the other's business, and vice versa. Does the State have no obligation to deal with Churchmen who are accused of pedophilia? The laws of the State surely doesn't allow exemptions to the law just because one is a member of the Church! 

So we must never forget that we must give back to the Emperor, or to the State, what belongs to the Emperor, or to the State; and to God, and to the Church, what belongs to God, and the Church. It is foolishness to think that we can absolutely separate the temporal and spiritual aspects of our lives for our bodies are composed of body and soul and we know what happens when the soul leaves the body. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

CIT on the Old Testament - Prophets I Minor Prophets

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The Prophets are messengers of God, they proclaim God's message to those to whom these messages are intended to be delivered even if it would mean trouble or death for them. The Old Testament tells us about these holy servants of God and some of them have been immortalized through the various Books of the Scriptures that bear their name. Of the Prophets whose names are used as titles of the Books they, their followers or some scribe or writer, have written, there are four [4] who are considered as major prophets and twelve [12] called minor prophets according to the length of the Books that bear their names. 

Below are ten [10] information about these Prophets. Try looking up the actual passages that support these information in order also to know the Prophet being described or talked about. You may share your answers on the comment box below:

[1] He wrote that Yahweh hates divorce!

[2] He foretold about the day when Yahweh's Temple Mountain shall tower above the mountains and rise higher than the hills.

[3] He wrote that what pleases God are: faithful love more than sacrifice and knowledge of God than burnt offerings.

[4] He wrote this passage: Saving justice is the Lord's; we and our ancestors have only the look of shame we bear today.

[5] He was quoted after the Holy Spirit descended and he also wrote 'My people will never be humiliated again!'

[6] He wrote 'As you have done, so will it be done to you' as part of a very short work.

[7] He wrote to tell Judah to celebrate his feasts again for Belial has been destroyed already hence won't be passing through him anymore.

[8] He was sent to Zerubbabel, Governor of Judah, to tell him that God will shake the heavens and the earth.

[9] He also wrote that Ethiopians will be run through by God's sword.

[10] He had visions of four horns and four smiths.

Now, do you know the name of the prophet depicted in our picture?

ACTS: A for Adoration - Most Important Reason of Prayer

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Adoration is [i]n the strict sense, an act of religion offered to God in acknowledgement of His supreme perfection and dominion, and of the creature's dependence upon Him; in a looser sense, the reverence shown to any person or object possessing, inherently or by association, a sacred character or a high degree of moral excellence.(1) It is therefore defined also as the first attitude of man acknowledging that he is a creature before his Creator.(2) It is also intended to exalt the greatness of the Lord who made us and the almighty power of the savior who sets us free from evil. Adoration is homage of the spirit to the "King of Glory."(3) It also blends with humility and gives assurance to our supplications.(4)

The First Commandment states that there is but one God and only Him should we adore. This Commandment already sets the limits of true adoration: adoration is due only to God. That is why the prohibition against idolatry is already an integral part of this Commandment - it speaks already of exclusivity. And the prohibition against idolatry comprises every activity, ideology and even mere triviality which divert our full attention from true adoration to God.(5) 

We adore God alone by praying because of our humble acceptance of our being creatures and our sincere submission to His being the Creator. We show our adoration through prayers not merely by words by action and gestures also such as lifting up our hands, kneeling down, bowing down, etc. But we must remember that in order to adore God, we must intend to adore Him and when we use words, gestures and other elements to accompany such adoration, these must also be used with such intention. For God knows what is in the heart of every man and cannot be deceived by mere words and gestures.

Intention - willing - is truly important in adoration for even if one's body may be chained so that one may not offer gestures of worship to God, the mind can still praise God. On the other hand, even if the body is in the midst of worshipers and at the center of the temple, his or her  mind maybe somewhere else: thinking about that movie which he or she wishes to watch after the Church service, or about that sumptuous meal that awaits after the celebration of the Mass; etc.

Hence it is also true that actions and gestures which we usually use to accompany adoration doesn't actually translate to acts of worship especially when used outside of the formal act of adoration. Bowing for example is one of the actions which non-Catholics use to charge Catholics as a manner by which Catholics perform idolatrous acts such as bowing to images of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints. But bowing in itself it generally an act of respect which many people use even in secular settings: the Japanese way of greeting, which is equivalent to handshakes, is by bowing to one another. When a Japanese bows to another, he doesn't mean adoring that person. Catholics too bow down to images not in order to worship them but to honor the Saints represented by the images and ultimately, to honor God who has given those Saints memorialized by the images, the graces and blessings which inspired them to live their lives according to His will.(6) 

Some might say also that Catholics pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints when prayer must only be directed to God. Of course all prayers are directed to God but Catholics believe and acknowledge God's great generosity of giving His faithful followers the opportunity to intercede for others.(7)

So when we pray to adore God, we must be totally focused. One doesn't even have to say so much. Holy silence is in fact more acceptable to God than the babble of words - and when we say babble of words it means speaking without putting our personal intentions on the words that we speak but merely speak them in some sort of compliance thinking that when we finish reciting them we have already done our obligation to God. 

Meditation and contemplation are actually wordless prayers of adoration, and one who attains this level of prayer actually attains union with God and experiences the joy of being in His presence. Many Saints have been given the grace of truly and fully enjoying God's presence and we call them mystics. 

To adore God by praying is the best manifestation of the virtue of religion. By adoring God we acknowledge His dominion over us and manifest our humble submission to His will. This also means that we recognize that He knows everything that we say, think or do and we therefore commit to never cause Him any dishonor so we perform our normal activities with more honesty and sincerity for we put them under God's hands.

(3) CCC, 2628
(4) CCC2628
(5) On the First Commandment. You are My Friends. April 21, 2013.
(6) Catholic Encyclopedia. looser sense of adoration.
(7) Jesus is the Only 'Mediator" but God allows Intercessors. You are My Friends, April 26, 2013.

The Parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants [Memorial of St Charles Lwanga and Companions]

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We had our first reflection on this during the Lenten Season here.

Today let us focus on the passage at the end of the parable,

"What [then] will the owner of the vineyard do? 
He will come, put the tenants to death, 
and give the vineyard to others." 

What we can notice is that it is stated at the end of the parable that the vineyard was not destroyed, it was only given to other tenants. The actuation of the former tenants did not diminish the importance of the vineyard. It was retained and entrusted to others whom the owner thought would already take care of it in accordance with his will.

God the Father is truly faithful to His promises. He had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel that their descendants would acquire the Promised Land. He had promised David that one of his descendants would rule forever. He had promised mankind a Savior and He sent His only-begotten Son to fulfill that mission. 

God made promises and made good such promises even when on the other end of the covenants established together with the promises there have been failures to fulfill by the other party. Though Israel have been unfaithful to the Old Covenant many times in their history, Lord visited them and tired to lead them as a Shepherd leads his flock. But they didn't receive Him well and only a few of them followed Him. These few Jews became the foundation of the New Israel not to supplant the old but to continue it in accordance with God's promises to their ancestors. 

This New Israel faced persecutions and tribulations but it remained standing for the Son made promises too:  

He promised that His Church won't be overcome even by the gates of hell [Matthew 16:18]. He also promised that He will be present with the Church until the end of the ages [Matthew 28:20]. He also promised that the Holy Spirit will be the Church's Advocate, Teacher and Guide [John 14:26].

But we also have to be faithful in keeping our baptismal promises as our part in the New Covenant which the Lord Jesus Christ has established by His blood.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to Effectively Shut Oneself from Christianity

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One sure thing that could shut one out from being a Christian is sin. But sin itself is very general and very abstract. Indeed some people doesn't care about it anymore. 

So let us look for some more particular ways of blocking the call of Christ. I have listed some particular ways of shutting one's self from becoming a Christian. But here's a warning for those who wish to effectively shut themselves from becoming Christians: the list could be used both ways and if you are careless, you might still become Christians!

So beware!

Here are some of the ways of shutting one's self from becoming Christians:

[1] Pray not to become a Christian. Of course one of the best ways of not becoming a Christian is to pray not to become one. There's a very effective way of doing it and, actually, one religion is very successful in doing so. Imagine praying not to become inspired by the Holy Spirit to know the truth many times a day! For how can the Holy Spirit move one to know Christ when one doesn't open up him or herself to the promptings of the Holy Spirit? The Lord Jesus Christ told His Apostles that the Lord Spirit will tell them more about Him in the same manner that He told them about the Father. So when you pray not to become a Christian you effectively block the inspiration and enlightenment that the Holy Spirit brings. Without such inspiration and enlightenment one would effectively not become a Christian.

[2] Deny that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. One of the basic tenets of Christianity is the divine sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ. At His Baptism and at the Transfiguration, the Father himself acknowledged Him to be His Son in whom He is well pleased. So if one denies this fundamental tenet of Christianity, he or she already distances him or herself from Christianity itself for unless the Lord Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God, then Christianity doesn't have any solid foundation at all. Hence one who denies this doctrine effectively shuts him or herself against Christianity. 

[3] Deny the Holy Trinity. Of course, if one denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is God, then he or she also have to deny the Holy Trinity another central tenet of Christianity. In fact, number [2] above is just part and parcel of this doctrine about the Holy Trinity and having denied the Holy Spirit's role in prayer [1], then one has truly denied the Holy Trinity. What a perfect decision. It's truly about one thing leads to another! One's going the right direction in shutting him or herself out of Christianity!

[4] Reject the Gospel being proclaimed. Of course this one has to follow for if one doesn't reject the Gospel being proclaimed then he or she can find something to base one's belief in Christianity! So the full rejection of the present Gospel is necessary and one only has to consider that it has been tampered with. By doing so, one does away with one important foundation of Christianity and therefore effectively shuts him or herself from Christianity. 

[5] Compose new Scriptures. Since you would be denying the Christian Bible, you must have ready substitute if you would like to proceed with the total rejection of Christianity. This is not very hard. One has the full availability of materials which the Church has discarded. Using these would mean one already has an equivalent voluminous materials one could turn into his or her own scriptures to compete with the existing ones and since these are contradictory to the present Scriptures, one could believe them already for these would certainly be against true Christianity! Another great way to shut one's self from Christianity!

[6] Start a new Religion. What would be more concrete way of shutting one's self from becoming a Christian than by starting one's own religion? There are many available gods out there - gods and goddesses that have been discarded, disregarded and neglected due to the spread of Christianity. One can choose any or even just one of these and tailor-made a new deity in whatever fashion and present this in whatever manner as long as it is not in line with Christianity. One can even start a religion with a god of his or her own making, in his or her own image and likeness - creation in reverse, a complete anti-Christianity! Of course, one can also form his or her own dogmas and doctrines in relation to his or her new religion as long as these do not relate to Christianity in order to show the difference!

[7] Promote the New Religion in whatever means possible. What follows of course is the proclamation of the new religion. In what manner? In any manner as long as it competes and wins over Christianity and other religions for that matter - for part of the proclamation would be for one to believe in the new religion to be true even if it was just invented by him or herself without real divine inspiration. One can even add some fringe benefits for those who would be able to convert many by any means by telling them they'd earn heaven even by doing what would be opposite of the Christian command to love one another. Also, as a safeguard that no member leaves the new religion, put up some warning like being punished not only in the afterlife but also in this life through whatever means that could make one who wishes to leave the religion think a thousand times! This way, one can surely shut not only him or herself but a lot more out of Christianity!

There may be other ways of shutting one's self from Christianity. But as I have stated above, this list could be used either way. So my warning to those who wish not to become Christians, be careful because you might instead get the right inspiration and enlightenment and embrace Christianity instead even to the point of martyrdom!

A blessed Sunday to everyone!

On the Fourth Commandment: Honoring Father and Mother

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After God himself, we are directed to give due honor to and respect our parents and everyone else whom God has vested with his authority, not only parents. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states,

The fourth commandment opens the second tablet of the Decalogue. It shows us the order of charity. God has willed that, after him, we should honor our parents to whom we owe life and who have handed on to us the knowledge of God. We are obliged to honor and respect all those whom God, for our good, has vested with his authority [2197].

Of the Ten Commandments, it is the only other commandment which is stated in the positive, that is, it has the positive obligation of being fulfilled, aside from the Third which is about keeping the holiness of the Lord's day. Being a positive law, it also automatically prohibits everything that would negate it. In contrast, the other Commandments are mere prohibitions, which for the ordinary compliant would mean just that: prohibitions without attempting to fulfill the corresponding positive obligation at all. For example, the Commandment about respect for the sanctity of life, which is You shall not kill: It prohibits killing but positively, it aims to promote life so one has to do everything not just to avoid killing but also to promote, defend and advance the cause of life which in effect rejects the ideas of abortion, contraception, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, masturbation, even unjust wars, etc. 

Though it is directed to children, this commandment also presupposes duties of parents and all those who are, through their particular roles and responsibilities in life and society, act with authority over others such as teachers, leaders, magistrates, and others [2199]. For as the Apostle Paul wrote, parents should not embitter their children for they might be discouraged instead children should be brought up in the knowledge of God and His commandments [see Colossians 3:21; Ephesians 6:4].

We can also notice that of all the Commandments, only this one has a promise: that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God gives you [see Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16; Ephesians 6: 2-3]; CCC 2200]. and the Catechism adds, [r]especting this commandment provides, along with spiritual fruits, temporal fruits of peace and prosperity. Conversely, failure to observe it brings great harm to communities and to individuals [2200]. We could clearly see the effects in our society when this Commandment is not fulfilled, both by parents and children, or persons in authority and subordinates, for big troubles happen in the community.

From the beginning, as the Lord Jesus Christ himself said to the Jewish leaders, God has created male and female and when they got married, they become just one flesh, therefore one being, and their primary obligation was to love one another and establish a family, a primordial institution which existed before any public authority. Each member of the family has respective rights and privileges due to their equality in dignity and corresponding duties and obligations which are for the good of the institution [2201-2203].

From these follow important matters regarding the sanctity of the family and its rights over that of any public authority. The society at large is actually an extension of what the family should be, a loving, serving and protecting institution. Parents have the obligations to provide for and protect their children; public authorities have the same duties toward the citizens. Children have the obligation to obey their parents; citizens have that duty toward the government and the public servants in authority. When parents fail to do their duties toward their children, children suffer and even become rebellious. When public authorities fail to serve their citizenry, citizens rebel and even overthrow governments. When children fail to obey their parents, they fail to learn what they need to know when they themselves become parents already. When citizens disobey legally instituted and morally upright leaders, the society is plunged into anarchy and chaos.

When these things happen, we ultimately disobey and disrespect God who is the Father of us all and the one who has established the family in order for us to have a long life in the land that He provides and ultimately live with Him forever in his kingdom. 

For God did not command us to honor our father and our mother just for the sake of honoring them. As we have said above, it is the Commandment with a promise. And that promise could only be fulfilled if we obey the command. It's just like the Lord's command for us to love one another which will make us known to the world as His followers and friends and so move others to believe in Him and we could lead more people into the One Fold.

To honor our father and our mother is also to honor God the Father and the Holy Mother Church. For God is Father of us all and the Church is the mother who keeps us from the errors of the times. The Father has created us, the Church keeps us alive through the Sacraments which the Lord Jesus Christ has left to sustain our pilgrimage along the road to salvation. 

May we always honor our father and our mother and the many fathers and mothers in our lives that we may taste the fruit of the promise: long life in the land which God provides us.

CIT on the Old Testament - Personalities of the Pentateuch I

The Old Testament of the Christian Bible is the Holy Scriptures of the Jewish people. By making the Jewish Scriptures part of the Christian Bible, calling it the Old Testament, the Church acknowledged the continuity of Divine Revelation which was handed down first to Israel and then passed to the New Israel, the Church. For in the beginning, the believers in Christ did not consider themselves a separate community from the Jews. Christians have been called by that name only in 48 AD, more than a decade after the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the Christians believed that the Lord Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets, which corresponds to the Old Testament, they named the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as the New Testament, since He himself has established the New Covenant with His body and blood. Therefore, as Christians, we must have some basic knowledge about the Old Testament also for these give us the background of the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Below are Ten Information about important Personalities of the Torah or the Law, also called Pentateuch or the First Five Books of the Old Testament. Name the person being described and supply the specific Biblical passage or passages to each. Please answer by yourself first honestly before checking against available sources especially through the Internet. Blessed day!

[1] He was named after the fact that when God promised that his parents would have a son, his mother laughed.

[2] He was the first man to be taken by God without dying when he was 365 years old. His son was only 31 years short of reaching a millennium. 

[3] He was the first person in the world to have broken all the Ten Commandments at once [as Bishop Fulton J Sheen commented about it].

[4] He disrespected his drunken father and caused a curse to be handed upon his son. 

[5] His descendants were not given a territorial share of the Promised Land for the Lord was their portion.

[6] When asked about the whereabouts of his brother, he evasively responded by saying "Am I my brother's keeper?"

[7] She was her husband's beloved but was the last of four women to bear children for him.

[8] He wanted to save his dreamer-brother so he suggested that instead of killing him they should just throw him into a dried up well. 

[9] He became the first High Priest but was at first his brother's spokesperson.

[10] He earned God's goodwill for his defense of God's honor and dignity with the use of a spear. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

'Dominum, non sum Dignus' - Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time [Cycle C]

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When Jesus heard these words he was astonished at him 
and, turning around, said to the crowd following him, 
'I tell you, not even in Israel have I found 
faith as great as this.' 

One great thing about the Holy Mass is its being Scripturally-based celebration though a lot of anti-Catholics claim that it is not in the Bible. One may not see the entire Mass in just one verse or even chapter or book of the Bible but its parts are truly Biblically-inspired. The Holy Mass actually is one celebration wherein the Church teaches us the Gospel in its proper application.

In case you didn't you know yet, one of the Biblical passages that can be found in the celebration of the Mass is this: 

"Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum ..."

which the new translation of the Holy Mass states as 

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof ..." [see Matthew 8:8; Luke 7:6]. Formerly, we have been answering the priest after He raises the Body of Christ with the words, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" - another Biblical passage which John the Baptist spoke to his disciples to describe the Lord Jesus Christ who was then coming towards them [see John 1:29] - with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you ...".

Non sum dignus. I am not worthy: what a real manifestation of humility and from someone who do not even belong to the Jewish community but from a Roman soldier. The report of the Jews regarding the man was surely founded [see Luke 7: 4-5].

Here in St Luke's account, the centurion didn't even face Jesus our Lord. He didn't consider himself worthy to be seen by him instead he just sent friends to tell Him that he believes that He could cure his servant even by merely saying the word for he himself understands the meaning of authority [see Luke 7: 6-8]. [In Matthew 8: 5-10 the centurion was face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ.]

His humility which manifested his great faith earned him his servant's health back. When the centurion's friends came back to his house, the servant was already cured [see Luke 7:10]. He had such great faith that the Lord even showed that He was astonished and He pointed out to the crowd following Him that not even in Israel have I found faith as great as this! [see Luke 7:9].

There are times we notice that other people, non-Catholics at that, seem to be more blessed and graced than us. We observe that there are many who are not even Christians who seem to manifest greater faith, hope and love than us. We should not be envious of these. Instead we should be challenged to be more faithful, more hopeful, and more loving. God is great and generous, He gives opportunity to all even those who do not yet know Him, even to those who have been told about Him but are not yet acknowledging Him, and even to those who have already acknowledged Him and still rejected Him, etc. Our mission is to love one another so that the world may know that we are the Lord's disciples and friends [see John 14: 34-35] so that the world may be led into the one Fold [see John 10:16].

There is no room in our hearts for envy. We don't have the right to question God even when we think He seems to be favoring others -even non-Christians in fact - more than us. We must humbly submit to His plans and be like the centurion telling Him that we are not worthy about many things but that we believe in His word and His word is love, friendship and salvation! 

The next time someone who does not belong to the Church does something holy, let us give thanks to the Lord and praise His name!

The 'Apostle' of the "Rogate"

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"Pray the Lord of the harvest 
to send out laborers 
into his harvest" 
- Matthew 9:38

The above command of the Lord inspired Hannibal Mary Di Francia to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. 

As stated in his official Vatican Biography

He was only seventeen when, at prayer in front of the Blessed sacrament, he was given the "revelation of Rogate", that is, he deeply felt that vocations in the Church come only through prayer. Subsequently he found that such prayer is commanded by Jesus in the Gospel when He says, "Ask [Rogate] the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers to gather his harvest" [Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2]. These words became the fundamental insight to which he dedicated his entire life.

So he worked hard to promote the prayer for vocations. The decision to zealously promote the Prayer for Vocations was born of his own experiences in serving the poor of Messina, Italy, particularly the ghetto of Avignone. This place became the start of his journey to the realization of his response to the mission to promote the Prayer or Vocations. It was before he was ordained priest that he discovered the sad situation in Avignone, having met an almost blind beggar who lived there named Francesco Zancone. Himself having lost his father while only fifteen months old, he understood the plight of orphans and also the poor. After his ordination and upon the encouragement of his bishop, Msgr Joseph Guarino, he made Avignine his home and there started the work of a shepherd for the people of Avignone seemed like sheep without a shepherd. He faced many trials and sufferings in his work but he saw those as opportunities to strengthen his faith and resolve to pursue his mission of helping the poor and the orphans. Having a deep devotion to St Anthony of Padua, he named the orphanages he established as Anthonian Orphanages.

But then he realized that there must be more places like Avignone in the world and that there are more people who are in need of shepherds. So he wrote,

"What are these few orphans we attend to, these few people we bring the good news to, compared to the millions who are lost and abandoned as sheep without a shepherd? ... I looked for an answer and I found a complete one in the words of Jesus: 'Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers to gather his harvest'. I conclude then that I had found the secret key to all good works and to the salvation of all souls."

In order to carry out this mission more concretely, he founded the Daughters of Divine Zeal in 1887 and the Rogationists of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1897. The living out of the Rogate was added as a fourth vow of the Daughters and the Rogationists aside from the three evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. In August 16, 1926, the two congregations were canonically approved. He also initiated the Holy Alliance for the clergy and the Pious Union of the Evangelical Rogation for the lay faithful in order to promote the Prayer for Vocations.

Important thing that we must take note is that he prayed not only for priests but for holy priests for he believed that the world can only be saved through their work. That is why he emphasized the need for a lot of prayer and solid spiritual training. Part of the Prayer for Vocations also is the prayer that those who are undeserving may not be able to enter the priesthood. In order to be a good example of what he prays for, he did everything to live in accordance to the Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus Christ, that is, his charity was boundless and was directed to all.

Hence even while still alive, he was already considered saint by many that when he died on June 1, 1927, people would say, "Let us go to see the sleeping saint." Before his death, he had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with whom he also had a very deep devotion. 

In his homily during the beatification of Fr Hannibal Mary Di Francia on October 7, 1990, Pope John Paul II called him the authentic forerunner and zealous master of the modern pastoral care for vocations.

In 1964, Pope Paul VI established the annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations which can be considered as a response to the efforts of St Hannibal Mary Di Francia.

The Question of Authority [Memorial of St Justin Martyr]

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"Was John's baptism of heavenly or 
of human origin. Answer me." 

Authority, according to Google, is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience; also, the right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another.

We must remember that the Lord Jesus Christ performed miracles and signs in connection with His teachings. Hence people say that He was different from their leaders for He teaches with authority [see Matthew 7: 28-29]. This authority was very powerful for even demons obey those who use His name [see Luke 10:17].  

So the Pharisees wanted to pin down the Lord Jesus Christ by asking Him where His authority came from. If the Lord says from God, they would accuse Him of blasphemy; if He says it's just human power, then they would probably accuse Him of possession by demons. The Lord knew what they were thinking so He asked them with the same question that they asked Him but with reference to John the Baptizer. And the Pharisees were caught unprepared with that and they decided to tell Him that they do not know. Evasive answer. So the Lord also didn't make a direct response regarding the origin of His authority.

Possession of authority is important because it is the foundation of one's right or privilege to exact obedience and respect. One who doesn't have the authority doesn't have the right or privilege to rule or command. In our times, authority is based on different factors: in many democratic governments the Constitution provides bases of authority for those who govern the people; in a corporation, they also have a Charter upon which authority is based and most often it is the Board of Directors that welds this authority which they delegate upon the officers of the Corporation through resolutions; in a family, parents have authority over their children until they reach legal age by which time they are emancipated from parental control.

In the Church, authority is based upon the Lord's Teachings that have been handed, hence tradition, from Latin traditus meaning to hand over or hand down, through oral and written manners. Since these are sacred things that have been handed down to us, we call them Sacred Tradition. Sacred Tradition is composed of those that have been handed down orally or through the actions of the Church which she have been doing ever since her foundation mostly seen through her existing liturgies and the written which have been collected into what we call the Holy Bible. Another important part of Sacred Tradition is Magisterium, the Teaching Authority of the Church. Hence the Catholic Church stands on a stable tripod of Sacred Traditions in fulfilling and using her authority regarding religious, spiritual and moral matters over her members: the oral Traditions most of which survived through the Liturgy, the written tradition which are in the Holy Bible, and the Magisterium because she possesses and is being guided by the Holy Spirit, the Advocate and Teacher par excellence [see John 14:26]

This same authority is being questioned by those who oppose the Catholic Church, ironically, these oppositors try to get their authority from only one of the important Sacred Traditions, the Holy Bible. Convenient since the Holy Bible cannot explain itself and cannot tell them directly, "Hey, you're missing some other important things in expressing Christianity!" The only authority that they want to hold on to is the Holy Bible and promote the so-called Sola Scriptura or Bible-only mentality when such principle isn't even stated in the Holy Bible! The handicap of this principle can be seen in the many diverse interpretations of the Holy Bible creating multitudes of various and divergent sects and denominations whose only uniting factor is their abhorrence of the Catholic Church! 

One important aspect of authority is its continuity. The History of the Church would show that at no point in her existence did she stopped from being Church. Secular powers and rulers came and have gone but she remained strong and stable. She may have had crises and was even ruled by unholy leaders, but she remained standing thanks to the Lord who promised that not even the gates of hell can overcome her [see Matthew 16:18]. One more thing, questioning the Church's authority would be tantamount to declaring that the Holy Spirit failed in His role as Advocate, Teacher and Guide [John 14:26].

Authority is very important and one has to be very careful as to what authority he or she holds on to or supports for when reckoning time comes, he or she would be truly answerable to the Source of the authority. Of course, the greater responsibility lies upon the shoulders of those who mislead others. But one cannot be forever ignorant or even innocent for the world is getting smaller each day due to many advancements in technology and in most places the right information is readily available through the click of a mouse.

So when you are asked as to what authority you live - that is, do, think and  speak - your life, you better know the right answer!