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"If anyone wishes to be the first,
he shall be the last of all
and the servant of all."
The Apostles had been arguing as to who was the greatest among themselves and when the Lord asked them what they were discussing, they couldn't answer. They knew it was not proper for them to argue among themselves because they couldn't even expel a demon out of a young man. But Jesus knew so He didn't ask further but told them that if anyone wanted to become the greatest, then he must be ready to become the servant of the rest.
For even He didn't cling to His divine status but gave it up in order to become man and become the ransom for many - that's how He became once again worthy of the glory that He had with the Father since the beginning of time - He emptied himself, became a slave taking the form of man and died upon the cross [see Philippians 2: 6-11]. That's what He had told them about earlier before they argued about who was the greatest among them - that He would suffer but will again rise from the dead. But they didn't listen to this, they were busy about themselves!
Many times we are like that. We focus only on what will benefit us and never give an ear to the teachings of God, of the Lord Jesus Christ, of the Church which His Spirit animates. We are so preoccupied about how we could be great or how great we are already after doing some things for God, for the Lord, for the Church, that we forget how much we have to suffer more in order to really deserve God's appreciation - not that He relishes us suffering, but that He expects us to be disciplined. For after all, the only thing we can really boast about is the cross of the Lord [see Galatians 6:14] for through that cross He has redeemed the world, He has freed us from the bondage to sin [Memorial Acclamation, Holy Mass].
That's why Jesus our Lord made as a model of greatness a little child because a properly trained child - not a spoiled brat - does not insist on his own but knows how to follow and obey. It's not blind obedience. It's about following the best way toward the achievement of an end. It's been said that practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, when it comes to practicing our Christian Faith, many does not follow this rule.
So if we want to be the greatest in the kingdom of God, we must be ready to become the servant of all here on earth. Of course, if it would be possible, we can express this through servile work. But servanthood does not only refer to servile work. Being the servant of all may mean occupying the highest position in an organization not lording it over the other members of the organization but fulfilling your responsibilities diligently and even beyond the call of duty - and maybe take less rights and privileges in order to be of better service - then you might be doing what true servanthood requires. For you may volunteer to work on the lowest rung but secretly disdains such position, it's so useless and won't be a source of blessing and won't acquire God's appreciation.
Let us be simple, humble and obedient servants, friends and followers of the Lord and never think of being the greatest here on earth. Instead, let us focus on being great in the kingdom of God and follow what He requires: be the servant of all.
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