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JESUS PRAYS. Image from google.com |
"After sending the crowds away he went up into the hills by himself to pray." - Matthew 14:23a
Prayer is simply keeping ourselves connected to the Source. A faucet cannot produce water on its own. A switch cannot produce light unless wired to a source of electricity. The same manner with us. Unless we keep ourselves always connected with our Father, we will not be able to do anything. But if we remain connected with Him, we can do everything. It is only through our constant connection with the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit shall we have the power and strength to sustain our ministry. It is through prayer that we sustain the connection with the Father and through prayer that we sustain our relationship with the Triune God.
"So do not worry; do not say, 'What are we to eat? What are we to drink? What are we to wear?" - Matthew 6:31
Prayer is simply keeping ourselves connected to the Source. A faucet cannot produce water on its own. A switch cannot produce light unless wired to a source of electricity. The same manner with us. Unless we keep ourselves always connected with our Father, we will not be able to do anything. But if we remain connected with Him, we can do everything. It is only through our constant connection with the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit shall we have the power and strength to sustain our ministry. It is through prayer that we sustain the connection with the Father and through prayer that we sustain our relationship with the Triune God.
Simplicity is an important aspect of our friendship with the Lord. It is a manifestation of being a true child of the Father, a true friend of the Lord Jesus Christ because it shows our complete dependence on the power of God. It also keeps us from aspiring for more than what we need and beyond our capability. The simpler our lives, the more we can serve God and neighbor because we give less or even waste no time running after so many things in life that do not really matter - which only distract us from doing and achieving the truly important things in this life. After all, only God's love really matter and only in God shall we find rest [St Augustine, City of God].
"So as he stepped ashore he saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he set himself to teach them at some length." - Mark 6:34
The group wanted to have some kind of "Rest and Recreation". The Apostles just came from visiting villages in pairs and upon their return, the Lord wanted to give them a break. But the people knew where they were going and arrived ahead of them. Jesus our Lord did not tell them, "Come on, people, we are on 'R and R'. I'll see you some other time!" Instead, He taught them right there and then. Afterwards, He did not let them go away famished. He still have the thoughtfulness and common sense to give them food so that they would never fall on the way. As His friends, we too must show availability, that is, being there when others need us; being ready to extend a hand to someone who needs one. We cannot tell people, "Come back some other time!" for there might be no other time because it's either that they fall on their way never to rise up again or that we might become incapacitated already.
The group wanted to have some kind of "Rest and Recreation". The Apostles just came from visiting villages in pairs and upon their return, the Lord wanted to give them a break. But the people knew where they were going and arrived ahead of them. Jesus our Lord did not tell them, "Come on, people, we are on 'R and R'. I'll see you some other time!" Instead, He taught them right there and then. Afterwards, He did not let them go away famished. He still have the thoughtfulness and common sense to give them food so that they would never fall on the way. As His friends, we too must show availability, that is, being there when others need us; being ready to extend a hand to someone who needs one. We cannot tell people, "Come back some other time!" for there might be no other time because it's either that they fall on their way never to rise up again or that we might become incapacitated already.
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THE LAST SUPPER. Image from google.com |
"Then he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." - Luke 22:19
Christian life is a life of liturgy. He said, "Do this in memory of me." He meant to say that we should also undergo the same process that He went through for He also said, "Follow me." We cannot go any other way. As His friends, we must be with Him all the way. Our lives must be constant manifestations of His continuing saving act just like the Seven Sacraments. Everything we say, think or do must be in consonance with His mission to save all mankind from bondage to sin. We cannot do otherwise for as His friends, we are commanded to love one another, which is more concretely expressed by "washing each other's feet" [John 13:14], that is taking care of one another, which in the words of the Apostle Paul means "carrying one another's burden" [see Galatians 6:2]. By taking care of each other, by breaking our bodies for one another, we express a liturgical and sacramental life which fully express God's love which made Him send His only begotten Son for the salvation of all who will believe in Him [see John 3:16].
"Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," - Matthew 28:19
In the same manner that the Apostles have been sent to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to make disciples of the Lord among them, we too who respond to the call to His holy friendship cannot just keep to ourselves the blessings of His intimacy. We too must proclaim the Gospel of Holy Friendship [You are my friends if you obey my command - love one another. - John 15:14] to the ends of the earth. Remember the Parable of the Talents [see Matthew 25: 14-30; Luke 19: 12-27]? We shall be held accountable for this gift of divine friendship if we fail to share it with others. Do we not want to be His friends for all eternity? Then we ought to share this joy of being His friends to others for as it is not ours to keep but to give.
For more about each pillar, please click the links when already active.
In the same manner that the Apostles have been sent to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to make disciples of the Lord among them, we too who respond to the call to His holy friendship cannot just keep to ourselves the blessings of His intimacy. We too must proclaim the Gospel of Holy Friendship [You are my friends if you obey my command - love one another. - John 15:14] to the ends of the earth. Remember the Parable of the Talents [see Matthew 25: 14-30; Luke 19: 12-27]? We shall be held accountable for this gift of divine friendship if we fail to share it with others. Do we not want to be His friends for all eternity? Then we ought to share this joy of being His friends to others for as it is not ours to keep but to give.
For more about each pillar, please click the links when already active.
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