Prayer Intention for the Week

September 2 - 8, 2018

That the Holy Spirit may inspire us to think of, speak about and do the things that would glorify God the Father and cause the salvation of souls. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord and Friend. Amen.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Station IX: Jesus Falls the Third Time

The burden of the sin of humanity weighed so heavy upon the shoulders of Jesus and He fell the third time. 

Sin is separation from God. It is a violation of His love; a denial of His power over us. It is rebellion and it is evil. Have you ever asked why the Lord Jesus Christ cried out so loud while on the cross questioning the Father for deserting Him? "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

But God does not forsake mankind. It is man who denies God's role in his life. Man who is ever rebellious. Man who doesn't want to have limitations. Man who wants to have absolute freedom and practice his rights without hindrances. But as we said in another entry, outside of God's design too much emphasis on perosnal rights would lead to sin. However, sin cannot hold us down for so long unless we fail to rise up and move on!

The Lord Jesus Christ left us the Sacraments, particularly the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in order to help us recover from the power of sin whenever it overcomes us. Christ died for us once and for all. He cannot do it again. But He never left us without help. He did not forsake us: we can confess our sins and be absolved from its guilt. 

Just like the Lord who fell many times but rose up again to finish His mission, so we must also rise from falling into sin and continue our task ahead. Sin is powerful but God is more powerful.

As we continue our journey through life, let us never worry about falling for most of the time, God allows us to fall so that we may learn how to stand up. And when we are too weak to rise, He sends help along the way.

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